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Midori 750ml

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Midori is a vibrant and distinctive liqueur renowned for its bright green color and sweet melon flavor. Originating from Japan, Midori is primarily made from muskmelons, which lend it a unique and refreshing taste. This 750ml bottle of Midori offers a delightful entry into the world of fruit liqueurs, showcasing a bold, eye-catching appearance and a palate that is both sweet and versatile.

The nose of Midori is immediately captivating, exuding strong, fresh melon aromas that are both sweet and slightly tangy. This inviting scent sets the stage for a lively tasting experience, perfect for those who enjoy fruity and flavorful beverages. Upon sipping, Midori delivers a smooth, luscious taste of ripe melon. Its sweetness is well-balanced, not overpowering, making it an excellent base for a wide range of cocktails.

Midori mixes exceptionally well with various spirits and mixers, making it a favorite ingredient in cocktails such as the Midori Sour, Melon Ball, and the classic Japanese Slipper. It can also be enjoyed on the rocks or blended with ice for a refreshing summer drink. The finish of Midori is clean and refreshing, with a lasting melon sweetness that invites another sip.

Overall, Midori is a festive and fun liqueur, ideal for adding a splash of color and flavor to any cocktail gathering. Its unique melon flavor and versatility in mixology make it a staple in any well-stocked bar, offering endless possibilities for creative and delicious concoctions.

COUNTRY United States
REGION California
TYPE Liquor

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  • Shipping Insurance: For peace of mind, we provide shipping protection on your order that can be purchased at checkout.
  • Cancellation: You can cancel your orders before they are shipped out by reaching us with the contact information below.

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Shipping Policy

  • Standard Shipping: $18.92 flat rate for 1-4 bottles (Free for orders over $300)
  • Delivery Time: 3-5 working days (+1-2 days for handling)
  • Express Shipping: Available at an additional cost at checkout.
  • Shipping Carrier: We ship with FedEx, and an adult signature is required for all shipments.
  • States We Ship To:
    • AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FM, FL, GA, ID, IN, IA, LA, ME, MH, MD, MA, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TX, UT, VT, VA, WV, WI, WY
Midori 750ml - Preet's Barrel

Midori 750ml


Midori 750ml


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