Jaisalmer Indian Gin is a premium gin crafted in the historic city of Jaisalmer, situated in the Thar Desert of Rajasthan, India. Produced by Radico Khaitan, this gin is celebrated for its unique blend of traditional Indian botanicals, carefully chosen to reflect the vibrant and exotic essence of the region.
The botanicals used in Jaisalmer Indian Gin often include juniper berries, coriander, citrus peel, cubeb pepper, and Darjeeling green tea, among others. This combination results in a harmonious balance of floral, spicy, and citrusy notes, providing a distinctive and flavorful profile.
The expression is likely presented in an elegant bottle, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of Jaisalmer. Jaisalmer Indian Gin is versatile, suitable for classic gin-based cocktails or enjoyed neat over ice. Gin enthusiasts and those seeking a taste of India's aromatic landscape often appreciate this premium offering for its unique botanical selection and commitment to quality craftsmanship.